The Taj nature walk is located on fatehabad road 500 meter away from Taj Mahal east gate. It spreads up to the right bank of river Yamuna. The Taj nature walk is a green belt area, having variety of thorny and broad-leaved tree species dotted with high grass lands. These high grass lands mounds provide a unique plateform to enjoy the beauty of Taj Mahal from different directions. The Taj has variation in its hue, colour and radiance with respect to time and season. Along with six grass mounds, there is nine km long nature trail providing visuals of Taj Mahal from different settings.
Taj photo point

Watch towers 20 feet high watch towers located at different locations on hillocks facilitates tourists to have the over view of the Taj Mahal.
Ridge to valley nature trail
The land scape of the Taj nature walk is undulating because it is located in the ravine ecosystem and consist of rift and valleys. Tourists walking on these nature trails can enjoy sighting of Taj Mahal from different angles and background.
Sunrise to sun set view of Taj Mahal
This great creation is the result of devoted love, which was converted in to a timeless white marble architect story.

The area is rich in flora and fauna. Pheasants are prime faunal species in ravines. Others are red vented bulbul, grey hornbill, paradise flycatcher, golden oriole, seven sisters, tree pie, Indian flame backed threetotoed wood pecker, ringed dove, common green pigeon, blue rock pigeon, parakeet, white breasted kingfisher, hoopoe, small bea eater, Indian cuckoo etc. The dancing peacocks around peahens in the background of Taj create a divine amvience. During winters migratory birds are seen in flocks appearing like colorful flowers floating on the surface of water and their chirps producing symphony.
Among the mammals scavengers like hyena and jackal, herbivores like blue bull and hares are seen moving in the dense forest early morning and late in the evening. Of all the abundent reptile forms, python is the biggest in this area. It is often seen in the search of prey while at times hanging from the trees. Other important reptiles are rat snake, cobra and monitor lizard. The area is also rich in butterflies, some of which are common Leopard, Common Sulphar, Common grass Yellow and Plain tiger.